[Bounty]🔥🚀Dove Network-200,000,000 Tokens Allocated!🚀🔥

... Twitter campaign █▄ Twitter ▀█
█ You should have at least 500 followers.
█ You must follow Dove Network’s official twitter account
█ Your twitter audit score must be atleast 90%
█ You have to retweet and like at least 5 posts in Dove Network’s official twitter account with hash tag #DoveNetwork #ICO
█ Participators will receive a reward for sharing/retweeting and liking Dove Network’s social media posts. Participants are required to join our telegram group
█ Each week completed will earn you the following stakes:
Distribution of tokens for each rank:
All valid reports will give you 1 stake/week.
2 stake if you have more than 5000 followers.
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